Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gatsby Spillover

Though I wasn’t trying to offer a complete list of Great Gatsby-inspired novels yesterday, I did want to mention another that I remember having read about a couple years ago: Gatsby’s Girl by Caroline Preston. (Thanks to Richard Peabody for reminding me!)

Here’s what it’s about (from the Publisher’s Weekly review on Amazon.com):

“Inspired by the ephemeral but intense historical romance between F. Scott Fitzgerald and his first love, Chicago debutante Ginevra King, Preston bases her sexy, self-centered title character both on Fitzgerald's crush and the female characters (Daisy Buchanan, etc.) for which she was his muse. Ginevra Perry is the spoiled 16-year-old expert flirt who catches Scott Fitzgerald's fancy in 1916 in this gracefully written if drifting novel.”

Read the rest here.


DC-area author Leslie Pietrzyk explores the creative process and all things literary.