Friday, March 13, 2015

Pre-Pub Love from a Writer I Admire!

I don’t want this blog to turn into one of those blogs where all I ever do is talk about myself.  But you’ll have to excuse me while I talk about myself for just a minute here to note my immense pleasure at this notice from a writer I desperately and deeply admire, Robin Black, who had this to say about my forthcoming book in the “Bedtime Stories” column of the Washington Independent Review of Books:

“Coming out in fall 2015, This Angel on My Chest is the Drue Heinz Prize-winning collection of short stories by Leslie Pietrzyk, and it is stunning. Everyone should be marking their calendars and setting aside time for this entirely original, brilliant, and, yes, heartbreaking look at what it means to lose a spouse at a very young age. There is a prismatic quality to the book, new angles explored, new light cast from different vantage points. It’s not to be missed.”

So, I guess you can see why I felt like talking about myself for just a teensy minute or two!!

Here’s my post from when I first read Robin’s first book, the wonderful collection of short stories called, If I Loved You, I Would Tell You This

And, for good measure, here’s her amazing essay about professional jealousy, recently published on the Gulf Coast blog:


DC-area author Leslie Pietrzyk explores the creative process and all things literary.