Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Top Lit Journal Markets for Fiction

Cliff Garstang, at the blog Perpetual Folly has posted his annual fiction “ranking” of literary journals, based on the new edition of the Pushcart Prizes. While he notes the subjectivity inherent in “ranking” journals, it’s hard to argue too heatedly about this sensible and consistent methodology:

“This ranking, on the other hand, is extremely simple. I look at the annual volume of Pushcart Prize winners and the list of Special Mentions included in the back of the volume. I award a certain number of points for a winner and fewer points for a special mention. I add up the points and make a list.”

The points are kept cumulatively, for ten years.

Top five:
Tin House
Southern Review

Check out the entire list here, and consider where you’d like your work to appear.


DC-area author Leslie Pietrzyk explores the creative process and all things literary.