Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Work in Progress: Destination Unknown...or, Off to VCCA!

I’m on my way for ten(ish) days at Virginia Center for Creative Arts (VCCA), a heavenly arts colony where all I have to do is…well, whatever I want.  Write, read, daydream, gossip, admire the horses, watch for bluebirds, show up for dinner.

Usually I have all sorts of grand plans and ambitious goals—number of pages, daily word counts—but this time, I think I’m going to work where the wind takes me.  That is, I’ve had several recent months of feeling that I haven’t been able to get to my own work, and that there have been too many things I “should” do, so I’m just going to show up, be present, and see what happens.  I’m going to do what I “want” to do, whether it makes sense in any logical big picture of the marketplace or half-finished ideas.  Fiction?  Non-fiction?  The oft-threatened villanelle?  Could be anything!

(Okay, lest you think I’ve totally lost my mind, I do have some pieces I’d like to revise.  That project is in my head to keep at bay any “it’s so scary not to have a plan” feelings that might arise. But I'm not going to cry if I don't revise these pieces.)

I’m not sure how much email access I’ll have or seek out, so blogging may be lighter for a while.  On the other hand, if I feel like it, I just may blog every single day…or not at all!  See—in my mind, I’m already halfway there…


DC-area author Leslie Pietrzyk explores the creative process and all things literary.