Tuesday, January 18, 2011

March 4-6 Class in PA: "Find Your Creative Voice"

I’m very excited to be teaching a weekend class in Bucks County, PA, on March 4-6; spaces are still available. My class is called “Finding Your Creative Voice”:

"Have you always wanted to write but couldn’t quite find the courage to pick up a pencil? Or perhaps you’re a secret writer, scribbling stories and observations in private notebooks, compulsively filling the pages of your journal? This supportive, hands-on workshop will give you courage to write and direction about how to proceed. Through discussion and a series of writing exercises—including a session with word collage and found objects—participants will learn some basic techniques of fiction and memoir writing, with an eye to encouraging individual expression.

"Beginners will feel comfortable in this workshop, as will those farther along in their studies. All exercises and readings are appropriate for beginners looking for inspiration and for intermediate writers who might be feeling a bit stuck with their project … and everyone in-between!"

You can read more about it here: http://www.buckscountyartworkshops.com/

Here are the rates and registration information. There are lots of options, depending on whether you have a double or single room; non-writer guests are also welcome to come just to enjoy the getaway. Fees include lodging, breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks, instruction, and use of facilities. (There are also tuition only rates.)

You can take a photo tour of the beautiful Stone Ridge Farm Country Inn here.

Let me know if you have questions about the class: Lpietr AT aol DOT com.