Monday, January 17, 2011

Award for VA Writers Announced

From the James River Writers (JRW):

To recognize those who make Virginia a better place for writers:
James River Writers (JRW) now accepting nominations for The Emyl Jenkins Award

The Emyl Jenkins Award honors the memory of Emyl Jenkins, author, JRW Board Member and inspirational friend to all, who died in 2010.

Who may enter:
Any Virginia individual or organization that, in the same spirit as Emyl Jenkins, makes Virginia a better place for writers.

Entry must explain in no more than 500 words how the nominee makes Virginia a better place for writers. Entry must include contact information (e-mail and phone) for the nominator and two others who can further illuminate the nominee's qualifications.

Send nominations by e-mail to or by regular mail to
James River Writers, 320 Hull St., #136, Richmond, VA 23224. There is no entry fee. The contest opens Jan. 1, 2011. Deadline for entries is March 31, 2011.

Judging: A panel of judges, chosen from the JRW board of directors to represent different levels of writing experience, will pick the winner. They will choose the nominee who best matches Emyl Jenkins' efforts to make Virginia a better place for writers. That could be by connecting people and organizations around the written word, by sharing time and expertise about writing or by encouraging writers.

Announcement of winner: The winner will receive an award that honors Emyl Jenkins' work and reflects her style. The award will be presented at the JRW spring fundraiser in 2011.