Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jenny McKean Moore Applications Due 1/10/11

NOTE: Go here for information on the fall 2011 Jenny McKean Moore Free Community Workshop:

Please go to my previous post about the Jenny McKean Moore FREE Community Workshop for the details about this year’s class and teacher: creative nonfiction, led by Tilar J. Mazzeo.

No, there’s no website with more information. Yes, that’s incredibly dumb not to throw one together. Yes, I complain about this every time the applications are due. Yes, people email me to tell me that this blog is the ONLY place online they found the information.

The deadline to apply for the spring session—Tuesdays, 6-8 PM, January 18-April 19, 2011—is Monday, January 10, 2011.

To apply, please submit a letter of interest and a detailed personal narrative in which you describe your writing projects, your goals for the seminar, and how you hope to benefit from the workshop. Include your name, address, home/work telephone numbers, and email address. All applicants will be contacted by email by January 14.

Send your applications (by Monday, January 10, 2011) to
JMM Creative Nonfiction Workshop
Department of English
The George Washington University
801 22nd Street NW (Suite 760)
Washington, DC 20052