Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Since today is misty, and since I'm finally organizing my photos from Scotland, how about a few pictures here? (Okay, how about 18? That's a few, right?)

These will be ready to drink in, oh, fifteen years or so.

A view from Edinburgh Castle: 

So excited to be invited to a private whisky tasting at the Balmoral Hotel! Thanks, Scotch...the best whisky bar in Edinburgh!!

The Last Drop...before your head was chopped off at the guillotine across the square.

Yes, this cheese was as good as it looks!

Robert Burns, Walter Scott, and Robert Louis Stevenson...Scotland's favorite writers from its seen in:

I became obsessed with stags.

And whisky. And smoked salmon:

This monument to Sir Walter Scott is the largest monument to a writer in the world:

I knew I'd love Hawthornden Castle when I saw this stag outside the garden door:

Did a lot of good writing in this chair:

Lunch was delivered in these cute little baskets:

Another good chair for writing in, this one in the library, where I wrote surrounded by a wall of Paris Reviews:

Isn't this inviting? Residency applications are due in June, though you will have to write to the administrator to have a paper application mailed to internet applications, so plan ahead! Thank you, Mrs. Drue Heinz, for providing this magical castle for ordinary writers like me.