Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Social Media for Writers...Again!

 This timely article about writing and social media has been getting a lot of play today in my writer-world of Facebook, so I thought I’d share it over here:

"…So if you're a writer who worries as much as I do about online marketing, the best advice I can give you is to chill out and write the next book. To focus your energy on the one thing that's in your control: writing the best book you possibly can. Focus on editing each sentence to make it sing. Focus on helping your publisher craft a great hook and fabulous cover copy. 

"Spend your energy and time being kind to your colleagues, thanking your publishing team, and making new friends with no expectation that you will eventually use them to claw your way to the top. Before you Friend another writer on Facebook, make sure it's because you legitimately want to know them better and be part of their life and not because you're planning on sending them an Event invitation or a link to your book. If they're smart enough to write a great book, they're smart enough to see through that ploy…."

I couldn’t agree more! I learned from my days working at the Arlington Chamber of Commerce that sales is all about PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS, not banging people on the head with a hammer or your brand/product.  Your customers—readers—do not view themselves as a nameless mass but as individuals. Treat them that way…and please be loyal to those who do likewise to you.