Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Writing Tics & Shenandoah Open for Fiction Submissions

Shenandoah’s blog “Snopes” recently featured my piece on the dangers of writing tics:

“There’s nothing wrong with smiling. I do it myself now and then. And I even laugh in my real life. Let’s hope we all do. But I’m struck by how often characters in beginning writing smile and laugh when there are a zillion more interesting gestures or sounds the writer could choose to convey the same emotional state of mind.”

And speaking of Shenandoah, the journal opens tomorrow for submissions of fiction and flash fiction.  Here are the guidelines:  http://shenandoahliterary.org/submissions/

Since I’ve definitely got Shenandoah on the brain, here’s a link to my short-short published there:  http://shenandoahliterary.org/622/acquiescence/