Friday, December 21, 2012

Deadline for the FREE Jenny McKean Moore Poetry Workshop is 1/14/13

The George Washington University announces the Jenny McKean Moore Free Community Workshop for Spring 2013:


Thursdays, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
January 24 – April 26, 2013

Led by Bruce Snider

Come and take part in a semester-long poetry workshop! To apply, you do not need academic qualifications or publications.  The class will include some readings and writing exercises, but will mainly be a roundtable critique of work submitted by class members.  There are no fees to participate in the class, but you will be responsible for making enough copies of your poems for all fifteen participants.  Students at Consortium schools (including GWU) are not eligible.  

To apply, please submit a letter of interest and a 5-10 page sample of your writing. Make sure you include your name, address, home and work telephone numbers, and email address.  If you wish to have your sample returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.  Applications must be received at the following address by close of business on Monday, 14 January 2013.

JMM Poetry Workshop 
Department of English
The George Washington University
801 22nd Street, NW (Suite 760)                                                      
Washington, DC 20052

Bruce Snider is the Jenny McKean Moore Writer in Washington for 2012-2013. He is the author of two collections of poetry, Paradise, Indiana and The Year We Studied Women.

The George Washington University is an equal opportunity institution.