Thursday, November 1, 2012

Getting a Good Author Photo

I’ll be away from the blog for a few days—back next week.  In the meantime, this is a helpful piece about how to take a good author photo.  For some reason, I’m not able to cut and paste from the article and am too tired to try to figure out why not, so take my word:  reading this will give practical advice about you how to hide blemishes and double chins….not that any of us need to worry about that!

Oh, whew:  here's an excerpt:

To hide a double chin, lift your head, put if forward, and tilt your head down a bit. Not too much, or you’ll actually exacerbate the problem, or look insane. Position yourself so that the camera is a bit above your eye level. Of  course, there’s always the old trick of putting one hand under your chin as though you’re resting your head on your hand. And of coursenobody knows what you’re doing. (Avoid pushing extra skin into weird positions.) Some say resting your tongue against the roof of your mouth helps.

See?  Practical!