Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Fall Writer’s Center Classes

I will be teaching two classes at the Writer’s Center this fall.  I’ve led sessions of both of these classes before, and if I do say so, I’ve been very pleased with the results.

The First Pages:  What Makes a Good Beginning?
A One-Night Workshop
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Most writers know that they have to “hook” their reader from the start of the story or novel, but how exactly do we do this? What are the elements that make a great beginning to a story or novel?  You’ll find out in this workshop, as we explore ways to strengthen your opening pages.  Everyone is invited to bring 15 copies of the first two pages of one of their stories/novels/essays/memoirs for some hands-on advice.  For more information, go to and click on “workshops.”

Flex Your Creative Muscles!  A One-Day Workshop
Saturday, October 20, 2012
10AM-4PM (with an hour for lunch)

Spend the afternoon doing a series of intensive, guided exercises designed to shake up your brain and get your creative subconscious working for you.  You can come with a project already in mind and focus your work toward a deeper understanding of that—or you can come as a blank slate (that will quickly fill up!).  Fiction writers and memoirists of all levels are welcome.  Please bring lots of paper and pen/pencil or a computer with a fully charged battery. For more information, go to and click on “workshops.”

You can learn more about other great classes the Writer’s Center is offering: