Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How Much Do You Spend on Literary Contests?

Submission season is almost upon us...the journals open their doors, begging us to send in our work.  As I started thinking ahead to where I might send out some of my new work, I also started wondering about contests.  How much money do I spend on all those fees?  How much is too much?  Should I enter more contests?  What about reading fees?  And--I guess what I really want to know--how much do other writers spend?

Here's a four-question survey, just for fun since I totally avoided taking any classes remotely related to statistics.  But I think it will give us an idea of how much money swirls down the drain (I mean, how much we invest in our art).  Please take a minute to answer.  I'll report on the results later, as well as offer some semi-coherent thoughts about the whole contest scene.

Oh, and please feel free to pass along this survey to other writers.