Wednesday, May 23, 2012

NPR Three-Minute Fiction Winner: Read It!

NPR runs a periodic contest in which listeners are given a few parameters as a springboard and then asked to submit fictional stories that can be read in three minutes or less.  The winner, “Rainy Wedding” by Carrie MacKillop, is a doozy.  I heard it live on the radio on Sunday evening, and rereading it again just now confirmed my opinion.  I’m admiring of a writer who can pack so much into such a short space and elicit such an emotional response. 

And for people who like underdogs, according to NPR:  MacKillop has no formal background in creative writing. She holds a bachelor's degree in English from the University of California, Los Angeles, but was never accepted into their creative writing program.”

Read and/or listen to the story here.