Monday, May 7, 2012

Mr. Miyagi

I’m going on blog vacation for a week or so. 

Until then, be sure to check out this blog post by Clay Snellgrove, one of my Converse low-res MFA students, in which I am compared to the iconic Mr. Miyagi of The Karate Kid (original version, of course):

My mentor was listed on my class roster as Leslie Pietrzyk.   The last name wasn’t Miyagi, but its spelling was just as bizarre, so I figured I could make do.  After Leslie was featured in one of the residency’s evening readings where she shared an original piece of short fiction, I had my Miyagi moment, witnessing the talent of my soon-to-be teacher.  …  My frustration level after reviewing Leslie’s notes on my first story most likely rivaled Daniel Larusso’s after his days of painting fences and waxing cars for Mr. Miyagi.  But like Daniel-son, I forged ahead.  And while the notes that continued to come throughout the semester were heavy on what was missing and things not to do, I felt my desire to write and write well growing.

It was a good week for being recognized for the work I put into teaching, as last week I attended the fabulous graduating student reading at Johns Hopkins and discovered that I was selected to receive the Distinguished Professional Achievement Award for faculty.