Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Writing Prompts & Residency Opportunity for Young Writers

My fabulous neighborhood writing prompt group met this morning, and we found a lot to say about these two prompts:

1.  Saturday

2.  “It’s easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them.” ~Alfred Adler


Young writers--be check out this great opportunity to live and write in Spartanburg, SC, as the Hub-Bub Artists in Residence Program.  Application deadline:  February 15, 2012. 

From the website:


IF YOU ARE a writer between the ages of 20 and 35,

IF YOU LONG to live free and create for 11 months in a huge, beautiful studio apartment,

IF YOU WOULD LOVE to be a part of over 100 nights of art, literature, and entertainment in a historic downtown,

and IF YOU WANT to spearhead community-based projects while collaborating with other creative people and organizations, learn from an award-winning independent small press, and engage your passion for creating new work and making a difference in the community,

YOU SHOULD APPLY for the writer-in-residence position through the Hub City Writers Project and HUB-BUB in Spartanburg, South Carolina, as part of the HUB-BUB Artists-in-Residence Program. 
More info.