Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Novel Chapter Is Published in The Drum, an Audio Journal!

An excerpt from my historical Chicago novel is now up on The Drum Literary Magazine.  Here’s the Very Cool thing…The Drum is an audio journal, so I’m reading my piece!  This is a moment where I absolutely love technology.

The story will be up for free for three months, and after that, it will be behind a pay wall (I’ve always wanted to exist behind a pay wall, so this is kind of exciting, too).  You can listen directly on your computer or you can easily download stories and essays (why stop with my work—there’s lots of great work available). 

And just so you know before settling in, my chapter is about 45 minutes long.  To enhance your listening experience, I suggest an accompaniment of toast, excellent marmalade, and tea or coffee—a late breakfast vibe (you’ll see why)…just, please, whatever you do, don’t burn the toast!! 

Here are the FAQs, if you’d like more information about the process of how to listen to the stories, and here are the submission guidelines if you’re interested in submitting your own work.  (On paper—if your work is accepted, then you will be instructed on putting together an audio file of proper quality.  The magazine is also looking for performers to read stories.)

You can get info on the email newsletter and podcasts on the home page, which—if you’ve forgotten—is where you can also find my chapter for the next three months!  (Can you tell I’m excited?)