Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ISO Funny Stories About Tech Support

Since I’m having weird computer problems at the moment, this call for submissions seems appropriate.  Pass it along to your favorite tech support guy or gal—

Sometimes, tech support requires more patience than what’s in the job description. For an anthology of humorous tech support stories, the editors seek quality non-fiction accounts of bizarre requests, inane questions, and pitiful pleas for help untangling technology.

Entries should be between 500 and 1500 words. The anthology will be published in e-book format, and authors may appear anonymously if so desired. Preference will be given to stories involving face-to-face tech support rather than support given over the phone.

To submit a story for consideration, email your entry as a MS Word, RTF, or Open Office document to usererror@nicomachus.net  Please include your name and contact information (phone number and preferred email address) as well as a brief description of your job responsibilities (e.g. network administration for a large health insurance provider; end-user support for a major research university) in the body of the email.  Submission deadline January 31, 2012.