Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fun Facebook Factoids AND a Call for Flash Fiction

Hey social media mavens—here are some interesting findings for tweeters (twits? haha—how tired is that joke?) and posters, courtesy The Publicity Hound (see below for more info about The Publicity Hound’s free e-letter):

The Best Times to Tweet

The best time to tweet is around noon and 5 p.m. EST.

The best days to tweet are midweek or on the weekends.

The best time to post on Facebook is noon and 7 p.m. EST.

Sharing one post every two days will garner the most likes on Facebook.

The Eastern and Central time zones represent almost 80 percent of the U.S. population, so keep that in mind when timing your posts on the social media sites. If you live on the West Coast, either get up earlier, or use a program like HootSuite or Tweetdeck to schedule your tweets to go out early the following day.

Those are five interesting statistics in a clever infographic from KISSmetrics, using data from social media expert Dan Zarrella. Ragan's PR Daily offers the entire infographic here:

Reprinted from "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week," an ezine featuring tips, tricks and tools for generating free publicity. Subscribe at  and receive by email the handy cheat sheet "89 Reasons to Send a Press Release."


Speaking of Facebook, I recently “met” Chris Tusa on Facebook who told me that he’s the co-editor of a new online journal dedicated to flash fiction: Fiction Southeast, which is actively seeking submissions:

Fiction Southeast is published two times a year (in the fall and spring). The submission deadline for the fall issue is August 1st. The submission deadline for the spring issue is January 1st. Fiction Southeast is interested in flash fiction (fiction no longer than 1000 words), particularly work from upcoming writers born and raised in the south. All submissions should be sent to”

[Note to non-southerners: there’s also an editorial page that adds, “While we are interested in fiction that depicts a variety of southern traditions, beliefs, and landscapes, we DO NOT wish to limit the journal to only southern writers. Writers from other parts of the country should feel free to submit their work.”]

More details on how to submit and additional information about the journal can be found here:

You can subscribe to the journal (free) here: