Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Manuscript Critique by Richard Peabody

I assume that everyone knows DC’s literary godfather, Richard Peabody, writer/poet/editor/publisher/teacher. Whenever I meet a writer new to the area, I say, “Well, first, obviously, you have to meet Richard Peabody,” and often they already have. He is the glue that connects so many writers—and not just in DC, but across the world. Even before Facebook, he kept in touch with writers all over the place and, seemingly, never forgets anyone he’s come in contact with/taught/read/published/corresponded with/read with/etc. He’s generous and loyal and true and honest and smart.

All this to lead into something I recently learned: that he’s available for manuscript critique, and not just book ms., but individual pieces. Here’s the info from his website:

Manuscript Assessment/Literary Consultation

Contact Richard at gargoyle@gargoylemagazine.com

I charge $1 a page to read a manuscript sans red pen and simply tell you what I think. I send along a short 1-2pp critique and don't return the manuscript.

I charge $2 a page to read and critique manuscripts. Poetry/fiction/nf. Book length or individual stories, essays, poems. I red pen the document and send a much longer written critique.

All manuscripts are to be double spaced. Booklength manuscripts should be in Courier font (as that's what agents and editors expect).

Checks should accompany your manuscript.
Here’s the website: http://www.gargoylemagazine.com/richard/richard.html

Here’s an amazing Washington Post Magazine article about Richard: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/04/AR2011020405355.html