Monday, June 7, 2010

Writing Wisdom: Diane Ackerman

I’m off in beautiful Spartanburg, SC, teaching in the Converse College Low-Residency MFA Program, so I’m posting some of my favorite quotations about writing. I’ll be back to blogging around June 15ish.

I think I read this in Glimmer Train…back when I was younger!

“A writer’s life is only ever acceptance or rejection, surfeit or famine, and nothing in between. That’s an emotionally draining way to live. As a result, it isn’t necessary to discourage young writers. Life will do that soon enough. There are yards of writers under the age of thirty, but not many who stay the course. The ones who do aren’t necessarily the most gifted, but those who can focus well, discipline themselves, persevere through hard times, and spring back after rejections that would cripple others.” ~~Diane Ackerman