Monday, March 9, 2009

Writing Contest for High School Students

Here’s a contest for high school juniors and seniors (note the 3/15 deadline):

The Howard Nemerov Creative Writing Awards

Sponsored by Washington University in St. Louis.

This competition is open to juniors and seniors currently enrolled in high school. Three prizes of $250 each will be awarded both in fiction and in poetry. Students may send a single entry in each genre (one poem and/or one short story or novel chapter). All entries must be typed, with the student's name, home address, telephone number, high school name and address, and the genre (poetry or fiction) of the work on the first page. Entries must be postmarked by March 15, 2009. Awards will be announced May 15, 2009. Please keep a copy, as entries cannot be returned.

This competition will be judged by faculty in the Writing Program at Washington University, including fiction writers Kathryn Davis, Marshall Klimasewiski and Kellie Wells, and poets Mary Jo Bang and Carl Phillips.

Send entries to:

The Howard Nemerov Creative Writing Awards
Washington University
Campus Box 1122
One Brookings Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

For further inquiries, contact David Schuman at (314) 935-7130.