Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What I Loved about the Inauguration

--that I was inside on a snowy (!!) South Carolina day, feeling warm and cozy as I watched

--that I have the life I do that allowed me to arrange my schedule to take time to watch TV in the middle of the day; I was sad when the garbagemen came by, imagining that they’d rather be watching the inauguration.

--Aretha’s hat…not many women could carry that baby off, but she did, perfectly!

--the quartet (how challenging to play instruments in that weather)

--that a poet was included in the proceedings. I need to reread the text of the poem, but my initial impression was favorable, even though I thought she ended sort of awkwardly

--Michelle Obama’s gloves

--Jill Biden’s boots

--those funky purple scarves the elder Bushes wore

--the fact that cranky, cynical old me felt the tiniest bit of hope that better days might be ahead