Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mark Your Calendars for January Publishing Workshop

Mark your calendars:

The Writer's Center is offering a one-day workshop, "Publishing for Poets and Fiction Writers," that will give you some of the tools you need to get your work noticed. If you need a little push in the publishing direction, Nancy Naomi Carlson will demystify the publishing process and help you build your published works resume.

Workshop description: Have you wanted to get your writing published but didn't know where to start? Are you already publishing but want to publish in more competitive markets? In this workshop we will learn about the business of poetry and short story submission, covering such topics as targeting appropriate "markets" for your work, writing a compelling cover letter, tracking submissions, dealing with simultaneous submissions, overcoming fear of rejection, and reading between the lines of an editor's response.

This one-day workshop meets January 17 from 1PM to 5PM at The Writer's Center at 4508 Walsh Street in Bethesda, MD 20815. To register for this class, please visit www.writer.org or call (301) 654-8664.