Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Yes, Crazyhorse, I'm Talking to You

I recently finished a new short story and was thinking about entering it in the Crazyhorse fiction contest (details here). As you may recall, I recently noted here how much I like this journal. Not so much now: I looked over the contest rules and saw that they don’t reveal the final judge’s name until AFTER the contest is over. Sure, the chances of my manuscript getting to the final round and actually being seen by the final judge are teeny-tiny, but knowing who that person is affects my decision about which story I might send. I imagine, say, George Saunders might prefer a different type of story than the type of story I would guess Alice Munro might like.

Maybe I shouldn’t try to be such a mind reader and just send in my story.

Or maybe Crazyhorse should reveal their final judge in advance so it doesn’t appear as though what they’re really interested in is raking in our $16 reading fees.