Monday, August 18, 2008

Three Days to Write a Novel? Piece of Cake!

Feeling ambitious? Marilyn Zembo Day (who blogged here last week about writing groups) reminds us of the upcoming 3-Day Novel-Writing Contest. I get exhausted thinking about it…here’s a piece from last year that I wrote about the contest, including comments from one brave writer who actually participated.

Kudos to you if you’ve got this sort of energy. (Maybe this is what the remarkable Michael Phelps should do next, now that he’s conquered the Olympics!)

The International 3-Day Novel Contest
Categories - Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction
Fees (if applicable)- $50 per entry
Prizes (if applicable)- Prizes: 1st prize: publication; 2nd prize, $500; 3rd prize, $100.

Description: Every Labor Day weekend, entrants all over the world strive to produce a novel in only three days. Finished works are mailed for judging and the winner is published! Novels may be written in any location. Outlines are permitted, but the actual writing must take place over the 2008 Labor Day weekend.

Deadline: Register by Aug. 29, 2008.

Contact Info:
International 3-Day Novel Contest
200-341 Water St.
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 1B8.