Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Therapy for Writers

Filled with creativity angst? Think no one understands your fragile writer’s soul? Need some advice about how to get over your feelings of envy about your former best friend whose book got a movie deal when yours didn’t? And then there are the countless other dark secrets that lurk in the minds of writers…

Sounds like a job for Dr. Sue, who writes one of my favorite features on the blog Buzz, Balls & Hype: “The Doctor is In.” On Fridays, Dr. Sue answers our neurotic-writer questions with empathy and wisdom. If you’re feeling angsty, write in to her at Dr.Sue@mindspring.com. Or just follow the conversations on Fridays here.

Here’s a recent column that I thought was especially helpful about a writer who can’t seem to face revising a novel that an agent is interested in. And here’s one about a writer who can’t enjoy her success.

And here’s a little more about her: Susan O'Doherty, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist with a New York City-based practice. A fiction writer herself, she specializes in issues affecting writers and other creative artists. Her book, Getting Unstuck Without Coming Unglued: A Woman's Guide to Unblocking Creativity (Seal, 2007) is now available in bookstores.