Tuesday, April 15, 2008

This Book Is Hilarious

Dan Elish, who offered his thoughts here about the differences between writing for children and adult, has a new book out (for adults): THE MISADVENTURES OF JUSTIN HEARNFELD. Kirkus Reviews calls it, "Goodbye Mr. Chips meets Portnoy's Complaint meets the 40 Year Old Virgin in contemporary Manhattan." Publisher's Weekly writes it's "an amusing tale of an insecure college grad who wants nothing more than to drop a few pounds,write the great American novel, and lose his virginity." Writer Allison Burnett says, "What Herman Melville does for white whales, Dan Elish does for blue balls."

Dan’s a funny guy, and this is a very funny book. For more information, go here, or to read an excerpt, you can check out this link on Dan’s web site.