Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Do You Have Friends in Low Places?

Dredge up your memories of and stories about your favorite dive bar…rather, the memories you actually remember and the stories you actually share. This from the literary journal Barrelhouse:

Barrelhouse is searching for non-fiction about your favorite dive bar, your best or worst dive bar story, the "I never thought these letters were true until I wound up shirtless drinking shots of Black House with three old men on a Sunday afternoon" kind of dive bar story. It's not really a contest,but the ones we like best will be published in a special section of our next print issue.What's a dive bar you might ask? That's up to you. But our definition might include BARRELHOUSES, roadhouses, private clubs gone bad, corner joints, speakeasies, Schlitz taverns, rathskellers, pool halls, and any other incarnation of dive bars.

Our special section of dive bar non-fiction, guest edited by Steve Kistulentz, is looking for narrative non-fiction on any aspect of the dive bar experience. We'll admit we're partial to the following: a propulsive narrative, brevity (anything more than 2,000 words doesn't stand a chance), and pieces that somehow communicate more than just a laundry list of the qualities that make up the perfect dive bar (though hopefully you might have some ideas about that, too).

The submission deadline has been extended to May 30. Decisions in late June.

Submit online by visiting our schmancy online submissions center. Be sure to select DIVE BARS as the genre for your entry. [Note: No special stamps needed! Take that, US Postal Service!]