Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A Work In Progress

Welcome to my new blog, a Work in Progress, which is, indeed, a work in progress. I'm a novelist and short story writer (perhaps I'll eventually figure out how to post images of my book covers; perhaps not as I'm not very technology-minded), and I'm currently working on a third book. Writing is probably not as hard as digging ditches, though it can seem as endless. My hope with this blog is to explore what it means to have a work in progress: how to keep progressing, when to take a break, what to do to stave off the craziness...the whole ball of wax. I'll discuss my own work and creative process as well as invite others to share their thoughts about what they're working on.

We're not limited to writing here, though that is one of my primary interests. But I chose the title (thanks for the suggestion, Denise!) for its literal and metaphorical possibilibities. In the end, we're all pretty much a work in progress, right?