Thursday, March 29, 2007

Poetry at Your Doorstep

April is National Poetry Month. (As if the poets would let us forget that for a moment; where is Fiction Month, I ask you? Yes, yes, every month is "Fiction Month"....)

If you'd like to increase your poetry intake, consider subscribing to Knopf's "poem a day" series. A poem will lyrically wend its way into your email inbox each day in April.

The bad news: all the featured poets are published by Knopf.

The good news: they publish some great poets, including one of my faves, Mark Strand.

For more information, go here.

If you're willing to make a stronger commitment and don't want to limit yourself to one month, try The Writer's Almanac, which delivers a poem every day all year long as well as historical facts about writers (and other writer-ish people) that you can drop into conversation until everyone is irritated with you (i.e. today is the birthday Eric Idle, one of the founders of Monty Python). Warning: Garrison Keillor is involved.